BEV Vice President as Guest in Podcast 13.06.2024 - On June 6, the podcast episode “Die Normalität der Dinge“ went live. Robert Edelmaier, Vice President of the Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying and Head of the Metrology Division, gave an insight into the extensive tasks of the BEV.

Journalist and philosopher Judith Belfkih opens her podcast "futurum exactum" with a series dedicated to the normality of tomorrow. The BEV, represented by Vice President Robert Edelmaier, is also taking part. In the second episode of the podcast entitled “Die Normalität der Dinge - Wie die Welt um uns ständig neu gewogen und vermessen wird“, Belfkih visits the office building in Vienna's Arltgasse and is guided from laboratory to laboratory and through the world of the BEV.

"Normality is also culturally and temporally flexible. At the same time, however, it sets very precise norms. After all, what is or isn't appropriate is also part of our normality."

photo: © BEV

The tour of the BEV begins with the (unsuccessful) search for the original kilogram in the cellar. The physical original kilogram has already had its day, as natural constants are used as the new standards.
The conversation continues with the general concept of measurement. The BEV measures measuring tapes, measures plots of land and Austria's national boundaries. But many other areas of life are affected by the measurements and calibrations at the BEV. Edelmaier explains: "When we buy a pre-packaged product at the supermarket, we rely on the assumption that what is indicated is actually inside. This is ensured by random checks."

photo: © BEV
photo: © BEV

Finally, the tour and journey through the world of calibration and measurement ends in the time laboratory. The negative leap second that haunts this room is a quite unsettling thought, notes Belfkih. Because it raises the question: how do our devices react to the negative leap second?

Every Thursday, a new episode of the "futurum exactum" podcast is released under the motto: "Because we're not satisfied with simple answers!" - wherever there are podcasts.

Here is the link to the episode: „Die Normalität der Dinge - Wie die Welt um uns ständig neu gewogen und vermessen wird“