The Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying - BEV presents its new product “Land Cover”: a high-resolution, free dataset that provides information on vegetation, buildings, soil areas and water bodies. Ideal for analysis, planning and environmental monitoring.
Exciting exchange on precision and innovation: A high-ranking delegation from China visited the Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying - BEV to discuss metrological expertise and possible cooperation.
The selected map from the archive takes us back to 1907 and shows how cultural and linguistic conditions have developed over time in Styria.
On Leopolditag, the day off from school, BEV invited the children of its employees to a fun-filled morning with games, magic and lots of interesting facts.
The Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying - BEV carries out the surveillance of prepackages to ensure that consumers get what is promised on the packaging. A current report in the ORF magazine “konkret” provides insights.
Bregenz now has a GPS control point for smartphones. The control point at the harbor was opened on the 5th of November.
The selected map from the archive takes us back to 1926 and shows Europe in the interwar period. The political structures of the Soviet Union and important transport routes come to life - from the Baltic to North Africa.
St. Margarethen im Burgenland now has a GPS control point for smartphones. The control point was opened on the main square on the 17th of October.
The municipality of Heidenreichstein in the Waldviertel region now also has its own control point for smartphones. The control point was opened on the main square on the 5th of October.
Across Austria, 21 new apprentices started their training at the Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying - BEV in summer 2024. This means that 80 apprentices are currently completing an apprenticeship at BEV in four apprenticeship professions. The proportion of women is an impressive 43 percent.