Visit of the Slovenian Geodesists Association 05.06.2024 – At the end of May, the Slovenian Geodesists Association got to know the Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying and its tasks in more detail. The excursion concluded with a trip to the Habsburgwarte.

On May 24, the Slovenian Geodesists Association visited the Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying - BEV at the Schiffamtsgasse office building for the first time as part of an excursion.

After being welcomed by Franz Blauensteiner, Head of the Department Geodetic Reference System and President of the Austrian Society for Surveying and Geoinformation, and Rainer Feucht, Head of the Division Cadastre, the guests were introduced to several of the BEV's areas of responsibility in a program of presentations: basic surveying, national boundaries surveying, the tasks of the surveying offices and technical developments in the field of digital submission of surveying documents and cartography.

During a guided tour of the Cadastral Maps Archives and the Topographical Maps Archives, the original map of the Franziszeische Kataster and various historical maps were presented.

The tour concluded with a visit to the Habsburgwarte on the Hermannskogel in 1190 Vienna. The tower was built in 1888 by the Österreichischen Touristenklub - ÖTK. This is where the fundamental point of the Austrian national survey is located, which was established by the k.u.k. Militärgeografischen Institut (predecessor organization of the BEV).